
Julia electrical engineering package

View the Project on GitHub christiankral/ElectricalEngineering.jl


This is a Julia package on electrical engineering based on Unitful and PyPlot. The package ElectricalEngineering.jl is tested with Julia 1.1.0. To install the package, start Julia and hit ] to switch to the package manager.

add PyPlot Unitful ElectricalEngineering

In order to update to the actual version of GitHub in the package manager, hit ] and apply:

update ElectricalEngineering

To switch back to the Julia REPL and to start working hit Backspace.

The module ElectricalEngineering.jl has to be loaded by using ElectricalEngineering. In order to use all the features of ElectricalEngineering.jl, modules Unitful and PyPlot have to be loaded as well. It is thus recommended to appy:

using Unitful, Unitful.DefaultSymbols, PyPlot, ElectricalEngineering



Phasor diagram Circuit diagram

Circuits and Physics

Inputs and Outputs

Other Packages related with Electrical Engineering